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3 Components of a Successful Executive Brand-Building Campaign

Written by Kerri Taranto | Sep 21, 2021 2:00:00 PM

It’s no secret that establishing a credible and authentic corporate brand is important, but it’s not only the brand that needs cultivating. Executives are the real people behind a company and a well-established executive presence can go a long way in opening up new business opportunities.

Regardless of company size or industry, there are many reasons why building a strong executive brand is crucial – from becoming an industry thought leader, to turning around a negative reputation, to reinforcing your value as an organizational leader. Whatever your goal, there are three key components essential for any successful executive brand-building campaign. Let’s break them down.


1. Social Media

Social media platforms are important tools that should be used for every executive brand-building campaign. LinkedIn in particular is one of the most valuable resources for establishing a personal and professional brand. Not only does LinkedIn have high domain authority, it also allows you to develop personal, meaningful connections with potential customers and those in your network.

It’s time to dust off your neglected LinkedIn and Twitter profiles. Small profile improvements such as adding a headshot, bio and recent achievements can go a long way. Once your profile is complete, you can begin engaging with your network and sharing your own content, including trending news articles, company news or professional developments, to further establish your executive brand visibility. Keep your content casual and relatable to see the best results – and avoid being overly promotional.

2. Speaking and Awards

There’s a lot of value in showcasing your expertise through speaking opportunities and award wins, especially when it comes to building a strong executive brand. Participating as an event speaker or winning industry awards validates your position as an expert, increases your credibility and heightens your visibility in front of potential customers.

Speaking opportunities and award wins are also a great way to generate company news. When an executive wins, the entire company wins. Highlighting these accomplishments in a company blog post or across social media shows customers, potential new hires and the media you’re an established industry player.


3. Paid Media

For the humble executive who is reluctant to take the stage or use social media, a paid media content council, such as Forbes Councils or Fast Company Executive Board, can be a powerful tool for establishing an executive brand. In fact, more publications are moving toward paid media, as revenue models have changed drastically in the last decade. It’s increasingly becoming an essential part of any integrated executive brand-building campaign.

With a paid content council, coverage is guaranteed and messaging is controlled. You’re able to share what you want your target audience to know, and more importantly, why you’re the expert on the topic. Paid media is also a useful tool for helping executives find their voice and get comfortable sharing their opinions publicly.

It’s important to note paid media should not be used as a standalone campaign. To see the best results, leverage paid media in tandem with other executive brand-building strategies and promote these articles across company social channels and newsletters to further their reach.


While these are not the only elements required to build your executive team’s presence, they’re a great place to start. The best executive brands are personable and genuine, so find what works best for you and don’t be afraid to explore different avenues. A solid PR team can help even the most reluctant executive establish a strong professional brand.